Kundalini Yoga: The Basics
Did you know the type of yoga that is most popular and widely used in the US is called Hatha Yoga? It’s uncommon knowledge to have since due to its popularity most of the time Hatha Yoga is simply known as Yoga. There are actually countless forms and types of Yoga, the most spiritual of which is known as Kundalini Yoga. This practice is a form of yoga that involves chanting, singing, breathing exercises, and repetitive poses. Here we will dive deeper into Kundalini Yoga and its benefits and you can decide if maybe this is the yoga for you.
What is Kundalini Yoga? How Does it Differ?
The term “Kundalini” comes from the Sanskrit word “kundal,” which means “circular.” It also refers to a coiled snake. And according to practitioners, Kundalini energy is like that coiled snake: It sits at the base of your spine, sleeping and unaroused.
Kundalini yoga is practiced to activate this energy, which allows it to move up and through the chakras along your spine.
In yoga, Chakras are the seven energy centers in your body. They include:
Root Chakra
Sacral Chakra
Naval (or Solar Plexus) Chakra
Heart Chakra
Throat Chakra
Third Eye Chakra
Crown Chakra
It is believed that when the Kundalini energy rises it contributes to the balance of these chakras as well as your spiritual wellness. With regular practice, Kundalini Yoga is said to lead to a spiritual awakening known as — Kundalini Awakening.
In comparison to other forms of yoga, Kundalini is a more spiritual practice. While it still involves physical movements, this is not the primary focus as it is with the more popular Hatha Yoga, as well as Vinyasa Yoga. Both of which are centered around physical poses.
Kundalini Yoga is more precise and repetitive — combining chanting, singing, movements, and breathing in specific patterns. In contrast, other forms of yoga simply flow with your breath.
The Six Main Components of Kundalini Yoga
Kundalini Yoga is made up of six main components that are completed in a specific order:
Opening Chant — Class always begins with an opening chant, also known as “tuning in”
Pranayama (Warmup) — The goal of Pranayama is to practice breath control. You will do breathing exercises as well as movements to stretch your spine during this portion.
Kriya — A Kriya is a sequence of postures, pranayama, mudras (hand positions), sounds, and meditation. Your instructor will determine the length and intensity of the Kriya.
Relaxation — This time allows your body and mind to take in the Kriya effects.
Meditation — Your instructor will lead you through a guided meditation in order to cultivate awareness.
Closing Chant — Class will end like it begins with a closing chant.
Benefits of Kundalini Yoga
The practice of Kundalini Yoga has countless benefits for your mind, body, and spirit:
Like other forms of yoga — Kundalini can Help Relieve Stress and Anxiety. Studies have shown clear indication that participants undergo immediate stress relief that can continue for months with regular practice.This practice lowers is also proven to decrease anxiety levels of participants and can be an effective treatment of anxiety disorders.
According to a controlled trial in 2017, Kundalini Yoga was proven to Improve Cognitive Function. Improvements were made in short and long-term executive functioning, reasoning, problem-solving, cognitive flexibility, and more.
Improvement in Body Positivity and Self-Acceptance were found to be benefits of Kundalini Yoga in an additional study in 2017. According to this research it is said to help treat mental disorders, such as eating disorders and depression by improving self-perception and self-appreciation.
As your Kundalini Energy awakens it leads to Spiritual Enlightenment as you become more spiritually connected to yourself and others. Benefits believed to come from this spiritual enlightenment include more empathy and increased creativity, charisma, energy, and peace.
Kundalini yoga is more spiritual than other types of yoga. Whereas other types of yoga flow with the breath, Kundalini yoga combines chanting, singing, movements, and breathing in specific patterns. The purpose is to promote spiritual enlightenment.
There are several science-backed benefits of Kundalini yoga. According to research, it may help ease stress and anxiety, improve cognitive functioning, and boost self-perception and self-appreciation. Owner and Creator of BalloFlex Fitness, Julie Buckeye, is also the woman behind World of Dances, a dance studio in Cuyahoga Falls. Kundalini Yoga is a calming and restorative workout and once you have your newfound energy, BalloFlex is the perfect channel to use it. In the same mode as self-improvement, BalloFlex is fun and unlike any other workout program. You will burn calories and fat, earn your daily steps, and do an intense core workout, all while seated! Join the BalloFlex membership program and for $1 a month for your first month try this revolutionary exercise program!